          檢討,是痛苦而不輕鬆的事 The writing ”Taiwanese should contact Beijing directly” is inspired by Ajin’s article “凡事有時!” or “It Turns”. Ajin argues the origin of Taiwanese’s “anti-China” attitude is in fact the result of KMT’s “1947 Massacre” and p 烏來溫泉ropaganda in its long occupation rule. It is not in the DNA of Taiwanese. However, KMT gave up its “anti-China” propaganda since 2004 and switched to a vanguard of pro-China advoc 買屋ate. The late president Chiang Ching-Kuo said once “The tide changes, why we don’t?” What scenarios Taiwanese would choose in facing a mega, emerging as well as expanding China, even the US proposes 買屋網 “Smart Power” and “paradigm changing”? What Taiwanese could do if DPP apparently do not have and will not have governing power in the near future? And if the US encourages so, what Taiwanese stand here safeguard “the i 澎湖民宿maginary US interests”? When the tide changes what should remain constant and what could change? Which country is hostile to the UK? France, the US, Germany or Spain? It depends. Taiwanese should learn first in their long way toward state-cre 賣房子ation. It is not a justice or world. It is interests, which drives the politics. When the paradigm is changing, as Secretary Clinton said, the most difficult thing for us is not the “content” we think. It is “us the thinker” or the “thinking itself” that is 室內裝潢 hard to persuade. That is paradigm changing is all about. Contact itself does not lead to merger. 〈台灣人應直接和中國接觸〉一文,是從Ajin的〈凡事有時!〉有感而來。 那篇文章最有創意的是,台灣人敵視中國的態度的「淵源」,可能是國民黨在台的施政成果,而反共抗俄的國民黨卻是展開「和解」的急先 會場佈置鋒。台灣人要如何處理這種情勢? 更進一步說,當中國這樣大、當中國就緊鄰一旁、當中國不斷擴張、當美國都使用「靈巧力」企圖「典範移轉」、當民進黨不再執政(看起來)也很難再執政,當「時代在變、潮流在變」這時候,台灣人要怎麼變?這是蔣經國說的。 當情勢變更,過去的法則中哪些適用?哪些不適用?都要重新、全盤檢討。在 太平洋房屋長遠的國際外交中,英美、英法、德法、法義是友是敵?要根據事件而論。台灣人對中國,也要學習如此。這是經營國家最基本的素養:壓制情緒冷靜安排。以商業立國的台灣,當然更應該懂這道理。 明治維新時期,有許多攘夷之藩,如電影《北之零年》、《末代武士》等,卻對於世界潮流毫無所悉。事後證明,文明主流是擋不住的。攘夷之藩雖然站在國粹正?西裝外套峔疑銦A拉長時間軸看,卻不一定是正確的。 現在的台灣是否面臨這樣的關鍵,不必先有定論,卻必須進行討論。歷史事實不斷告訴我們,在「典範移轉」時,最困難的不是「事物本身」,而是「思考的人」自己。要這點認識,是非常痛苦的,一點都不輕鬆。 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 裝潢  .

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